Kambo is considered to be a powerful medicine that is to be treated with respect and integrity, and is very safe and effective when responsibly administered by a trained practitioner. In our best efforts to assist you through your healing journey with this sacred practice in the most harmonious way possible, please read and complete the following disclosure with complete honesty and accuracy.  

There is not a specific diet requirement before a Kambo session. In fact, Kambo loves food, just not immediately before a session. Eat normally until the day of your treatment and then fast the day of if coming in for a morning session. Otherwise, fast for 8 hours before your scheduled session. Stop drinking any water 2 hours before treatment. Sessions begin by drinking 2 liters of water before the session begins. Do not over hydrate before treatment!

Kambo has no known detrimental side effects on its own. However, certain medications and herbs are contraindicated with Kambo.

***  To stop taking certain medications can be very dangerous and you should always consult with your physician before doing so. Please note, Kambo Kin is not an MD medicine practice and we are NOT doctors, therefore, we are not able to make recommendations regarding your Western medications. If you have any concerns, talk with your physician to see if working with Kambo is in your best interest. ***

It is imperative that you be 100% transparent on your application regarding your current medications and conditions.

Below is a list of situations that are considered to be contraindicated when working with Kambo, and therefore Kambo Kin practitioners will not be able to treat individuals that identify with any of the following conditions;   

·      heart diseases, heart conditions, bypass or enlarged heart, current or past

·      high or low blood pressure, or blood pressure contained by medications

·      blood clots or on medication to manage varicose veins

·      Kidney, Liver or Addison’s Disease

·      Epileptic

·      chemotherapy or have had radiation treatments within 6 weeks before and after

·      artificial devices in the body such as: stent, brain devices, etc.

·      organ, stem cell or breast implants

·      strokes, aneurysm or bleeding of the brain

·      recovering from a major procedure

·      serious mental health conditions

·      recent scorpion bites

·      select advanced stage Lyme’s Disease

·      fasting or at the end of a fast or detox

·      have used BUFO or DMT within 6 weeks of ceremony

·      drink distilled water

·      taking certain medications and herbs

·      history of bulimia

·      under the age of 18

·      pregnant or breastfeeding

.      Received a Covid vaccine within the last 2 weeks

·      who were coerced into this work by another person

In consideration to working with Kambo Kin and the Kambo medicine, I hereby agree to the following:

  1. Follow all instructions and be completely honest about any medical concern or condition.

  2. Disclose any current medications

  3. I am aware of all risk associated with this practice and assume all responsibility for any injury to myself or others in my care. This can include some or all of the following side effects, but is not limited to

  • Increase heart rate

  • Flushing of the skin

  • Slight pressure in the head

  • Slight swelling in the face, mouth or throat

  • Numbness or tingling throughout the body

  • Nausea, chills, and abdominal cramping