In my design, I have Sacral Authority and am also Splenic in my definition. I am a Manifesting Generator (Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix) with the Channel of Charisma (34-20), which, we say, is a design where thoughts must become deeds or mechanically speaking, where we must manifest our vital energy in the moment according to whatever we respond or, in the not-self, react to. So much of my design mechanics are about being in the moment. Maybe you have a similar design with Sacral and/or Splenic definition. The deeper I go into my experiment, I feel “planning impaired”. The Sacral motor can only respond in the moment. And the Splenic awareness can only make itself known when something in the moment is requiring us to pay attention.
I have an open Heart/Ego Center. The Heart Center is a motor which, on the other hand, is more about having the energy to commit to something over time, or not. This takes will power and why it requires that there has to be something “in it” for the defined Ego to make that commitment. If there is nothing “in it” for the defined Ego, there is no key to turn on the will power motor. With an open Heart/Ego Center, our not self mind can convince us that we need to commit to something. Commitment is saying, I will do this for sometime between now and forever. I assume I will have the energy so I will put pressure on myself to make this work for a mentally derived period of time. The not-self need to prove something starts from this internal place of overcompensation. After a lifetime of having pushed myself in that way, it feels so good to take the pressure off and align with the present moment where I can feel my Inner Authority and have “nothing to prove”.
When I was in my twenties, I committed to a few years of celibacy. I was part of a spiritual community and the guru would send us to very traditional and strict ashrams in India where we would be trained in certain yogic and Vedic disciplines. So while celibacy was a natural choice and part of the group mindset I was surrounded with, this was shocking to some people making such a big decision like this, at a time when it is normal to be very sexually active. But my few years of commitment was something that was chosen over and over again each day, until the day that I didn’t choose that anymore. When people would ask if I’m going to be celibate forever or want to know for how long, I would just respond, “I am celibate today”. Wow, what an amazing pressure to take off ourselves, to feel like somehow we should know how much energy we will have for something, for how long, and that we will always choose that decision.
Maybe it’s a diet. Maybe it’s a workout routine. Maybe it’s a career path. If you are an in-the-moment person, designed to live in the now, why not give yourself the gift of today? Tomorrow other decisions will be made. We don’t know what is coming or what life will bring. We don’t know what our body chemistry will respond to or how the transits will affect us.
Of course the mind wants to kick in: “Well, if it’s just for today, what does that mean about tomorrow? Who am I if I can’t be identified with this or that? If you can only say you love me today, what does that mean about tomorrow? If I can’t rely on a long term commitment, what is all this energy I’m expending and will it all go to waste? What if I disappoint others because I couldn’t live up to what they saw in me?” Well, that’s the story of the mind and the not-self and what keeps us locked into pathways that can take us down some long and windy roads that take us further and further away from our true nature.
Planning still has to happen in this current matrix we are in. The past and future are both parts of us. But to take the pressure off ourselves, and the pressure that the mind puts on us to have it all figured out, to be strong, to be accomplished, or whatnot, to take those pressures off and come back to making decisions correctly as we are designed. Giving myself the gift of today helps me to align with my authentic nature and everything else works from that place.