As a 59 Personality Sun, I’ve spent my life exploring and experimenting with intimacy in many forms. Whether personally or professionally, people have always felt safe to open up to me and I’ve taken that role to heart and I’ve enjoyed exploring how deep we can meet each other, sometimes pushing the edges (I am a third line too).
In the Human Design world, it’s entertaining to see how people often seem to equate intimacy with sex and they get excited at the prospects of the 59, or the 59-6, since it is really the channel that does potentially bring an element of sex and the possibility for reproduction.
In my exploration, I’ve come to realize, the potential of holistic intimacy is in its early stages. Everyone gets very excited about the possibilities of sex and intimacy, but have you ever wondered why so often it gets weird afterwards? The genetic imperative to bond and mate affects us so deeply, alters our chemistry, that in some ways we are really throwing ourselves head on, or genitals first, into a possible emotional mess.
The mechanics of the 59-6 Channel of Mating can inform us about a few things. With the 59 coming from the Sacral Center, there’s no awareness here! It’s the blind genetic imperative to mate and make more. The chemistry is the ability to break down all barriers to achieve intimacy and union, but there’s no awareness here, so we’re not necessarily equipped to deal with the consequences.
The Solar Plexus Center is a young awareness center. We are in the conception stages of understanding emotional awareness. As long as we are riding a wave, any experience of intimacy will continue to evolve even after the moment.
Mechanically speaking, the Channel of Mating, is not directly connected to the Throat. It’s only voice is the Sacral motor which is either turned on and humming or turned off, potentially marked with other Sacral sounds. The chemistry of intimacy has no direct connection to the throat, to communicate awareness. If we had a direct channel from the 59 to the throat, we could communicate our imperative for intimacy in a way that would require accountability or some sort of explanation, but our intimacy is filtered through our moods and emotional waves and other ingredients in the chemistry soup towards the throat depending on its pathway.
The chemistry of each circuit group has its limitations with intimacy. The individual wants to bond. Once the bonding has occurred, they eventually want to be left alone again. “Give me sex then leave me alone,” doesn’t always go over very well or taken as a compliment by the other.
The tribal being does their mating dance and once the pressure is relieved to have their needs met, then it becomes all about the duties involved to keep up what’s been established materially. Then we spend a lifetime talking about the next meal we’re going to have together.
The collective has endless creative fantasies but then gets bored or creates another crisis when their expectations can never be fulfilled. It was never really about the other anyway. It was always about the experience.
All of this is perfectly natural, except for the other side of intimacy always catches us off guard after union is achieved and we aren’t always equipped to deal with the consequences. It can play out a million ways, but points to the essential need for authenticity, clear boundaries, and good communication skills.
Following our Strategy and Authority will help us to enter into intimate bonds and connections correctly. Recognizing our open center behaviors where we let the conditioning from others take over gives us the opportunity for awareness expressed as healthy boundaries. Making efforts to communicate with honesty, integrity, and accountability can help us reduce resistance in the “consequences of intimacy”.
This is more than about sex. There are many ways to experience intimacy in a safe, creative, constructive, professional, or playful way. And yet, since it is coming from the Sacral Center, it may always have a tinge of sexuality to it, but that is just a flavoring of intimacy, not an obligation or invitation. Nevertheless, the conditioning and structures of the world as it is today doesn’t know how to differentiate or understand these mechanics.
For myself, that process has led to a shrugging of my shoulders at times when I sense my words or actions will be misinterpreted. I’m sure we all can relate in some ways. So many lost opportunities for depth and experience in a world that is not equipped to manage the consequences or mature enough in our accountability. So many relationships fallen apart or that never should have been entered into in the first place. So many words left unspoken or too many words spilled.
I look forward to seeing what there is to see as we begin to develop Spirit awareness and hope I get to experience some of this in the days ahead. Maybe the possibility to break down barriers and achieve union, and wake up as ourselves and it will all be okay, or not.