As Generators, we are here to be satisfied. We are here to learn what it means to enter into things correctly so we can use our life force energy towards things that make us feel good and naturally regenerate.
But we’ve lost touch with what makes us happy. Sometimes those things feel like distant echoes from the past. Sometimes those things were never found, which feels like an added anchor to our sometimes melancholic states.
And layer upon layer of conditioning. From relationships, family, society. So how do you put fuel into your spaceship?
Sometimes, coming into the experiment can feel daunting. How do you get out of certain situations you’ve found yourself in? How do you know what an authentic sacral response feels like? What does it really mean to live a life of satisfaction? Is this waiting thing for real?
As part of your experiment, getting in touch with the sacral response can be with little things. Start with the small stuff. Start a project you can finish in a few hours or the same day. Do something you never let yourself do. Go sit at the bar and have a beer. Pay the five bucks to download that movie. Get extra blue cheese. Stop at the bookstore on the way home. Who knows, whatever it is. We’ve conditioned ourselves to suffer. We’ve conditioned ourselves to be so used to the state of stress that we think it’s normal. Experiment with your satisfaction.
It’s not that it’s about a temporary state of happiness. It’s about being yourself and finding yourself again. Especially when you’ve forced yourself to be comfortable in someone else’s box. Experimenting is how you find what is true for you.
Life won’t change in one day. It changes one decision at a time. When we make so many decisions that are more in alignment with our authentic nature, something changes inside of us, maybe some kind of quantum cellular regeneration. All I really know is that this is the process, step by step, of creating the life you love. One choice at a time. One question and response at a time. Less suffering and frustration. And more happiness and satisfaction.
And if you’re not a Generator, it’s still the same. It’s still one decision at a time. It’s still one more choice to wait and take the pressure off yourself and your genetics.
So, start with the small stuff. Take the pressure off. This is a path of self love.