INDIVIDUAL MENTORING Programs and packages on your Human Design journey:


There is so much to learn in our Human Design studies, but learning how to live our designs and integrating it into our day to day life is where the real work happens. Having a mentor on your Human Design journey and experiment is invaluable. While it would be great if there was just a book that explained everything, understanding the power of living your design can be profound when there is a transmission from a guide to direct you through the nuances of how your design works in real life.

If you are newer to Human Design, the Jumpstart Package covers all you need to get off to a supportive start. This includes the Living Your Design Course, A personalized Foundation Reading, two additional consulting sessions, and access to community support and resources through our Human Design Evolution Skool Community. Read more here.

If you are ready to take your big leap, the Evolutionary Program and Package is a year-long mentoring program that comes with monthly mentoring calls, personalized readings, access to study groups, full access to the three IHDS Foundation classes, and interactive community support.

Please fill out the contact form below to discuss how this program can work for you, to arrange the details of your unique Evolutionary Program or to set up a time for a call to discuss your customized package.